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Seed Counter Mobile


Our Seed Counter Mobile is lightweight and can be powered from 12V. Ideal for mobile use.

Our Seed Counter Mobile has the same capabilities as our normal seed counter. However it is made from wood. This makes the machine very lightweight: only 7kg. Moreover, it can be powered with 9-36 Vdc which makes it possible to power it directly from your car or combine – for instance to determine the fresh Thousand Kernel Weight directly in the field.

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Our Customers about the Balkema Seed Counter

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KWS Gateway Research Center Saint Louis, USA

This product is awesome, it sped up my processing substantially.

Jonathan Steo, Research Associate


Dear Anne, just to let you know, - we LOVE your device! Very helpful! Thanks, Thomas

Thomas Meyer-Lüpken, Bean Breeder


Hello Anne, your machine has the power to make persons happy!

Franziska Mense, Technische Assistentin


KWS ARGENTINA Balcarce, Argentina

Dear Anne, Thanks to you for your great support and customers services

Bruno Battista, Station Manager


Tuniche Seed Services Arica, Chile

We received the package a few days ago!!! This is an amazing counter! It was just what we needed. We tried it and it works very very well!!

Mauricio Weiss Eluchans, Station Manager

Dear Anne, we are very happy with this counter.

Janine von Bemberg, Technische Leiterin



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Seed count and TKW within seconds?

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